UPNLOADED - Comedy To Fix Your Life

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Guy starts new media website 10 years after Youtube

The world was a beautiful place to live in before the internet was first discovered in 1999. Grass was green, California had water, and your favorite cartoon characters hadn't been ruined forever by Google Images. I've been a major player in the net game since the beginning. From AOL chatrooms to javascript popups, I've seen it all. Today, I present to you the remnants of the internet apocalypse.

Who in their right mind starts a new website in 2016? If you looked at the browsing history of the average person, chances are it looks bit like this:

  1. Facebook
  2. Facebook
  3. Facebook
  4. Facebook
  5. People without clothes on

See that handsome guy pretending to do office work behind Aubrey Plaza? Yeah, that's me and I'm kind of a big deal. I didn't find myself in the background of shows on Netflix by not trying. I did it through hard work and low pay. I've also pretended to do important things in shows and movies like Grey's Anatomy, Glee, Pretty Little Liars, The Little Rascals Save the Day, Jobs, some Lifetime movie, and so much more.

So why, with my  prestigious background in the arts have I decided that this was a good time to start a new website? Because I have an ego that doesn't know when to quit. When I see myself in the picture above, I remember that millions of people around the world have seen my hard work. I put everything into my role on Parks and Recreation and I know that even though I'm not speaking with my mouth, the world remembers the performance of my heart.

For years I have created videos on Youtube. Some with more success than others. I have discovered that I was not alone. Dozens of others have created content for the internet. This website is dedicated to showcase what we have to offer. I've spent years playing by the rules of others. Rules that were not created for the independent man. UpN'Loaded is my way of sharing everything that I have to offer. It is my way of promoting some of my favorite non-sexual partners. This is about turning hard work into smart work. This is about letting creativity thrive.

Thank you for visiting. Please don't ever leave.


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